Shop Update

As fun as the past 3 years have been, a new challenge awaits! Plaid and Paper will be rebranding and creating its very own non-profit! (Eventually)

I'm scared and thrilled, weary, and excited, and I might throw up but it's all come down to this! 

Black Cat Ko. will be launching in July 2023! 

What will be the focus of the non-profit?

Mental health and wellness. There are too many barriers when trying to access mental health resources in Canada, including stigma, misinformation, financial struggles, long waitlists, etc. 

We want to do as much as we can to support people fighting to get help, especially when they are at their most vulnerable. 

And if we can do that while reducing consumer goods from going into landfills AND providing low-cost options for consumers?!?! Sounds like nothing but winning to me!


What is the new model?

We will be operating the same as before; accepting clothing donations and selling them on the online platform. 

However, new initiatives will be slowly rolling out over the next few months. At first, we will only be able to unveil the initiatives based around physical clothing donations while we build up capital for our future. 

Eventually, we would love to host fundraisers, workshops, and fund research all focusing on the betterment of mental health and community wellness. 


What does this have to do with second hand items?

There is a growing trend among Millennials and Gen-Z; environmental issues, the looming impacts of climate change and rising prices of literally everything are HUGE contributors to stress levels, ultimately contributing to a strained mental stability. 

Not only do we provide very affordable items, but we are also doing our part in keeping usable items out of landfills. 

Clothing is an avenue of self expression; its a shell in which we can feel safe; its how we show the world who we are. We want to provide everyone with the option of accessible and affordable clothing that represents them. 

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