Why Black Cat Ko.?

What does mental health, second-hand items and black cats all have in common? 


Mental HEALTH is not a mental ILLNESS. Going to therapy is not for the weak. Taking a medication doesn't make you ‘crazy’. Being emotional does not make you a baby. And dammit, men should be able to openly talk about their feelings!

Mental health is not some snowflake, far-left liberal fad. Being mentally well means that you are balanced and can handle anything life throws at you. You are happy, free of stress and anxiety, and are able to function properly in your day-to-day life. 

Second-hand items are not dirty. They are not ‘only for poor people’. They don't make you ‘ghetto’, ‘homeless’ or ‘look poor’. 

The minute you wear an item of clothing, it becomes used. Would you still buy a shirt from the mall if someone had tried it on before you? Duh. 

Is that clean pile of laundry still dirty because it was worn at some point in time? No, because soap exists. 

This mentality is outdated, classist and frankly, reeks of racist undertones. Grow up, clothing is clothing.

Black cats are not cursed, they don't bring bad luck and have absolutely nothing to do with witchcraft, satanism or anything mystical/supernatural. 

It's a cat. And it will follow you to the bathroom, scream for food and cover everything you own in fur, just like any other cat. Are black bears haunted? Are zebras half-cursed? No, because that’s stupid.

I used a ‘K’ instead of a ‘C’ in the Ko. (short for company) because then, it becomes B.C.K. (short for back) and I have SO MANY IDEAS for event names, initiatives, projects and such with some great puns. Hehehehehe. 

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